Oral Presentation Skills in Business Mandarin (One to One)

Oral Presentation Skills in Business Mandarin (One to One)

Oral Presentation Skills in Business Mandarin (One to One)

Contact Yuan lao shi  for schedule your Class!

☎:91698916               Email: rhoda@ramcc.co

Class time: 1.5 – 2 Hours  (HKD1,200 /hour)

Making an impressive presentation can be the critical factor in striking a big deal. While you may already be experienced in making any presentations, presenting in the Mandarin language may be a different matter.

Our Oral Presentation Skills in Business Mandarin is an intensive training program designed to provide cutting edge skills to make presentations in standard Mandarin. The course will help you to prepare for and conduct presentations by using appropriate words and gestures accepted by Chinese better. It will also help you to better understand the Chinese culture in general

Participants will learn how to:

  • Prepare their content in a way that will hit the mark with the executives
  • Deliver the message with the presence of a person worthy of being in the room
Build confidence and credibility while communicating with senior groups
  • Constructively deal with tough, challenging, and diverting questions
  • Interact with executive groups in a “real,” natural way

 A wide variety of presentation topics will be discussed, including:

  • Speeches for marketing campaigns
  • Interview with the media
  • Introducing an IPO
  • Greetings at annual dinners
  • Assessing a merger & acquisition
  • Presenting strategies & plans for a joint venture
  • Presenting your annual report to investors
  • Public speaking at industry conferences and seminars