Location: Hong Kong SAR

Dates: October 2017 (8 days 7 nights)

Accommodation: Dorms + Tents

Cost:  ¥15,070 RMB (excluding airfare)

Deadline: 15th Apr 2017



RAMCC is proud to introduce an exciting and exclusive 5-day Hong Kong cultural and outdoor adventure. This is a diverse and perfect way to see what exciting things this exciting city has to offer. Most people know Hong Kong for its shopping and city life, but few get the opportunity to see and experience the beautiful outdoors. The trip will challenge students both mentally and physically, allowing them to learn and apply leadership skills, teamwork, creativity, outdoor skills both on land and sea, as well as their English skills since the course will be run in English. The students will also discover through this program where their comfort zones are and learn to push through them via team support and professional supervision. This is the ideal environment for students of all ages to reach their full potential as a well-rounded team player and team leader.


The students will complete creative, strategic and adventure challenges while navigating their way around Hong Kong city, going through the busy city to sleepy fishing villages to the famous Victoria Peak that are a big part of Hong Kong’s culture & history. During their 5 days they will have a day of city adventure race, a day of kayaking in the sea, an island adventure day with climbing, rappelling and zip lining all in the wilderness, finishing with a day at Ocean Park and sight-seeing in the busy and culturally rich Tsim Sha Tsui.


The students will develop greater self-awareness, acceptance of group and personal responsibility. The program promotes leadership qualities as well as independence in one’s learning and well being. They will discover Hong Kong’s outdoors, and through that learn to appreciate nature and Hong Kong’s environmental concerns, which are closely tied to China’s own environmental problems. They will learn to face physical and social challenges with an open mind and thinking out of the box. Through this program the students will discover their individual strong suits regarding teamwork, understand what type of leadership styles work for them, get daily reviews from experienced instructors regarding their performances during the day. To top it off the students will get a rare chance to see and experience places and food that are unique to this international city most people don’t know about, as well as strengthen their English language skills throughout the week.


Day 1: High Adventure Challenge

  • Arrive in Hong Kong International Airport.
  • Transport to pier to take private boat to a secluded island.
  • High elements challenges with overhanging abseil, rock climbing, tyrolean – – traverse, navigation & orienteering.
  • Night hike to see the night-lights of Hong Kong.
  • Accommodation: Tents

The Royal Academy of Mandarin and Chinese CultureDay 3: Gorge Trekking

  • Hike through one of the most beautiful and exclusive gorges in HK.
  • Learn to support and trust other teammates while navigating through challenging terrain.
  • Accommodation: Youth hostel

Day 4: Hong Kong City Adventure Race

  • Transport to city for the big adventure race.
  • From land to sea, Victoria Harbor to Victoria Peak, teams will race against each other through historical sites, cultural landmarks and market places. Taste local exotic cuisine, visit historical temples and beautiful view points.
  • Souvenir shopping in the center of Hong Kong’s market and shopping district.
  • Final celebration and awards ceremony.
  • Accommodation: Youth hostel

Day 5: Ocean Park

  • Morning wrap up and final review of program and skills learned.
  • Visit Hong Kong’s local marine theme park.
  • Transfer to Hong Kong International Airport.


Additional Information:


All meals are provided. Healthy and balanced meals with fruits and filtered drinking water throughout their days, in addition, students will help prepare the meals.



All tents, safety equipment and eating utensils will be provided. All safety equipment adheres to international safety standards and has passed safety inspections regularly. Personal outdoor gears are not provided.

Instructors & Facilitators:

All instructors and facilitators will be provided by Asia Pacific Adventure (APA) – an outdoor company that specializes in taking youth groups outdoors. All instructors are professionally trained to maintain a high level of safety and an ideal staff to student ratio. They are also trained to do day-to-day reviews and promote leadership training as well as experiential learning, something that is lacking in our current education system in the mainland. Teamwork, self-independence, and creative thinking will be stressed amongst the students. The course will be run in English, allowing the students to practice their English language skills in an international city – Hong Kong, another opportunity that is rarely found in the mainland.

Since this is a trip hosted by RAMCC with the assistance of Asia Pacific Adventure, this is the most well-rounded trip currently available, offering leadership training, cultural experiences, language practice, teamwork skills, and self-discovery all in one. Apply now for a spot!

地点: 香港

日期: 2017年101号到8号(87

住宿: 青年宿舍+帐篷

价格: 人民币15元(机票额外)





The Royal Academy of Mandarin and Chinese Culture特点:



皇家汉语和文化学院的课程旨在提高参与者的自我意识,培养合作精神与责任感。在提升领袖素质的同时注重个人独立学习与生活的能力。通过体验户外活动,领悟珍惜大自然,感受中国环境与香港息息相关的联系。参与者将以积极的心态和开放的思维面对个人体能和团队中的挑战。有丰富经验的教练,将会根据学生的表现,循序渐进地引导学生克服并沉着应对各种困难。 皇家汉语和文化学院课程优越于其他课程的是,在体验香港独具特色的饮食文化和赏心悦目的大自然的过程中,参与者除了在个人的自制力和领袖素质方面得以提升以外,英语语言能力也得到进步与加强。




  • 抵达香港国际机场
  • 专车达到码头,乘私人游轮直抵神秘小岛
  • 户外攀岩、高空垂降、滑绳和户外定向历险项目
  • 晚上观赏香港夜景
  • 住宿:帐篷


  • 乘坐私家游轮到达著名的海边寺庙
  • 考察渔民生活以及跟大海密不可分的联系
  • 到达私人小岛
  • 划船并学习海洋生态
  • 住宿:青年旅舍


  • 在香港最美丽独特的峡谷中徒步
  • 学习在充满艰难与挑战的地带中,团队互相支持、信赖的精神
  • 住宿:青年旅舍


  • 乘车到达市中心
  • 比赛特点:从陆地到海上,从维港到维港公园,穿越香港历史和文化的地标、市场等,品尝地道小吃,观赏美景,访问具有历史意义的寺庙
  • 在香港市场和购物区的中心购买纪念品
  • 颁奖典礼
  • 住宿:青年旅舍

The Royal Academy of Mandarin and Chinese Culture第五天:海洋公园

  • 乘车抵达香港国际机场








体验学习的方式促进、提升学生的领导能力:弥补目前中国式教育中所严重缺乏的一面。团队精神、独立能力和创造思维能力的训练与培养均是此课程的重要目标。由于此项目以英语为主要沟通语言,参与者有机会通过课程在这个国际化的城市里实际学习并运用这一国际化的语言,这也是在中国内地更加难得的机会。 由皇家汉语和文化学院和Asia Pacific Adventure 联合主办的这一课程,是目前最独特的课程之一,为参与者提供全面发展的机会,既是领袖素质的训练,文化体验,语言训练,团队合作能力,又是自我潜能的发掘。请即报名参加!